Geary Dance Center offers recreational dance classes to children ages 2-18. GDC enrolls new students year round but bases its syllabi on an academic year broken into two semesters, August-December and January-June, with summer camps and continuing classes taking place in June and July. We are passionate about dance and we want our students to receive excellent instruction, experience the joy of movement, and understand the intrinsic benefits of dance in their life for the rest of their life.
GDC offers trial classes before committing to the semester tuition, discounts for siblings, new students, families enrolled in 4 or more semester classes per week and during our Early Bird priority re-enrollment period.
We charge a nominal $15/semester registration fee for each dancer enrolled in semester classes. Registration creates an account so the office can more easily schedule trial classes or enroll the student. Online enrollment by parents is limited to beginning level classes, summer camps and adult classes.
Fall Semester: mid-August to mid-December, generally 15-17 weeks long.
Spring Semester: January to June, generally 19-21 weeks long.
Complete Schedule of Classes Spring 2025
Beginning Level Classes by AGE
GDC offers new students a chance to try a class for $25 before committing to the remaining semester tuition. Children in pre-school and Kindergarten who try a FUNdamentals of Dance class will receive a $25 credit with enrollment in the FUN program during the same semester.
Semester Tuition is prorated for students who enroll after the semester starts. Payment in full confirms enrollment. We offer a Payment Plan with a $5 charge per payment for up to 4 payments per semester. Number of payments scheduled depend on enrollment date. Tuition must be paid in full before the beginning of the last month in the semester. We do not offer payment plans for adult classes, summer camps or classes.
New students receive a 10% discount off tuition, siblings receive a 5% discount and families enrolled in 4 or more children’s classes receive a 5% discount. GDC offers a 5% discount to students who enroll and pay in full during the priority enrollment period for the following semester. Only Early Bird discounts apply to summer camps and classes. We do not offer discounts to adult classes.
GDC accepts cash, check and Zelle (EFT through your bank).
We do not accept Paypal, Venmo or debit/credit cards..
Many styles and levels benefit from the process of “a year to learn and a year to perfect”. Students are invited to the next level when they meet the syllabus skills for the current level and have demonstrated the need for more challenge. Students who would like to accelerate their learning process are recommended to try private lessons, which can be tailored to the child’s skill level and needs.
Classes for school-age children (Kindergarten and higher grades) work on choreographies to present in our annual Student Showcase at the end of the academic year. Dancers in the FUNdamentals classes participate with an “obstacle course” of dance skills showing the progression of learning. It is not a requirement to participate in the performance, but the decision to participate should be taken seriously. Dancers should understand that performing has certain obligations and expectations and they will be expected to attend all their classes. A Performance Fee is required of all school-age participants and payable upon enrollment for that semester.