New Students – Back to top

Before Enrolling: Parents and Students should view a class before enrolling in any dance school. The instructors at Geary Dance Center have a great deal of knowledge about proper dance technique for each style offered and insist on making sure all aspects of a dance education are safe and appropriate for the student’s unique body and capabilities. Turnout will not be forced, students advance when they master the skills of the level enrolled, and girls will not be allowed on pointe until they are physically ready.

Trial Classes – Semester and Summer classes: GDC offers new students the chance to try a class before enrolling for $25/class/student. We do not offer sibling, volume or new student discounts on trial classes. Trial classes must be scheduled in advance through the office for a class within 10 days of request. Trial class reservations hold a spot in the class for 24 hours afterwards before being released. All trial class students must have a completed paper copy of the registration form and signed waiver before the class, NO EXCEPTIONS. All trial class students must pay the trial class fee before the class, NO EXCEPTIONS. Trial classes are not considered part of semester tuition for Gift Certificates or Referral Credit eligibility. All trial classes must take place before the open enrollment periods end.

Free Trial Class with enrollment – Applicable to FUNdamentals classes only: Children trying the FUNdamentals of Dance classes will have the $25.00 trial class fee credited to their semester tuition upon enrollment in that class. Trial classes are available until the last 4 weeks of the FUNdamentals II/III and III classes and throughout the semester for FUNdamentals I/II classes.

Registration – Back to top

Registration: New students are accepted into the Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Character and Contemporary Modern classes until the 6th week of the semester. New students are accepted into the FUNdamentals of Dance classes until 6 weeks before the end of the semester.  All students must have a completed Registration Form and waiver turned in to the office before attending the first class. Students may need to fill out a new registration form annually so the office can maintain up-to-date contact, emergency and medical information.

Registration Fee: Geary Dance Center charges a modest $15.00 fee per semester enrollment.

Tuition – Back to top

TAX ID #90-0738934

Tuition Payment: Tuition is counted per weeks in the semester and will be pro-rated as such for students who enroll after the beginning of the semester. We currently only accept cash, check or Zelle payments. Tuition is due within 7 days of enrolling or before the student’s first class, whichever is sooner. No student will be able to participate in a class without payment of tuition. TUITION PAYMENT GUARANTEES PLACEMENT IN A CLASS. ANYONE WHO HAS NOT PAID TUITION BY THE FIRST CLASS WILL BE DROPPED. Tuition is prorated to reflect any late enrollment but enrollment cannot be delayed more than 10 days from initial request.

Returned check fee is $25. Late fee of $5/week may apply and the tuition may no longer qualify for an early bird discount.

Payment Plans: Payment plans are available on a semester basis only and will be extended to those people with a history of prompt payments and at the discretion of the co-owners. Payment plans require post-dated checks that must be delivered to the office at the onset of the Payment Plan. Payment of tuition must be in full by the beginning of the last full month of the semester. Payment Plans are subject to a $5 convenience charge per payment (up to 4 payments per semester).

5% Early Bird Discount: As a way to thank our committed dancers, GDC offers a Early Bird discount and a 2-week priority re-enrollment period to the current students of a class. After that priority period, the class is opened to the waitlist and enrollment is first-come, first-served. See Calendar for Early Bird enrollment period. 

5% Volume Discount: Students who enroll in 4 or more classes a week receive a Volume Discount on total tuition. Volume discount can apply to 1 child or multiple children in the same immediate family. Discounts can be stacked, but are not applied retroactively to classes before the discount is activated. For more info on discounts, contact the office.

5% Sibling Discount: A sibling discount is offered to families with 2 or more students from the same household and with the same parent/guardian from that household responsible for payment. Discount applies to all the siblings enrolled. Discounts can be stacked, but are not applied retroactively to classes before discount is activated. For more info on discounts, contact the office.

Make-up Policy: GDC offers up to 4 make-up classes for FUNdamentals of Dance classes (ages 2-5). Make-ups must be made within the FUNdamentals program, in the same level or one level below, or one level above only with permission of both instructors. Tuition will not be prorated, credited or refunded if student cannot attend a make-up class due to schedule. Make-up classes must be made within the same semester as the missed class.

GDC offers up to 2 makeup classes for school-age classes (ages 5 in Kindergarten and older).  Makeup classes cannot be scheduled during May, as each class will be preparing for the upcoming showcase. Tuition will not be prorated, credited or refunded if student cannot attend a make-up class due to schedule. Make-up classes must be made within the same genre and level, or one level down. Make-ups made in a class one level up must have approval of both instructors. Make-up classes must be made within the same semester as the missed class. Make-up classes can be rescheduled with advance notice, but will not be rescheduled in the event of a no-show.


Tuition Credit or Reimbursement:

Semester and summer classes
Withdrawals for the student’s documented serious medical reasons are offered a tuition credit or a pro-rated refund less any fees such as registration, costume or performance fees and charged a $25 drop fee. Sibling or Volume Discounts may no longer apply and the difference may be reflected in the reimbursement.  

Geary Dance Center does not credit or reimburse tuition for student generated missed or dropped classes. In the unlikely event that a credit has been approved by GDC owners for a student generated drop, there is a $50 admin fee per child, per class to amend the account. Only tuition is credited or refunded; fees for registration, costume, performance, etc are not credited or refundable. Tuition will not be refunded after the enrollment period closes for that level. You are welcome to direct your remaining tuition to our Scholarship Fund to help financially disadvantaged families afford dance classes for their children.

Summer Camps
Enrollment is purposely kept low at 8-12 students so the dancers can receive maximum attention from our master teachers. Because of this we cannot reimburse tuition for any cancellations except for documented medical reasons. Tuition can be credited towards semester tuition but a $100 cancellation fee will apply. 

GDC reserves the right to cancel camps with insufficient enrollment and will return all camp fees. Minimum of 5 dancers, maximum of 8 dancers, younger group and 10 dancers, older group. Dance Me A Story dance and art camp has a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8.

Private Lessons
Private lessons are paid in advance to reserve the studio, teacher and time. Cancellations must occur with at least 24 hours notice or the private lesson fee is forfeit and paid to the teacher who prepared and showed up for the lesson. 

Classes Cancelled By GDC
Geary Dance Center reserves the right to cancel a class with enrollment of 3 people or less. Directors will work with parents for an appropriate replacement class or issue a credit or refund as desired without any addditional charges. 



Class Levels – Back to top

Grace Period for FUNdamentals Levels: Due to the nature of young children, we offer a 4 consecutive week grace period upon enrollment of preschool children ages 2-6 in the FUNdamentals classes. If the child is unwilling to continue during this time, prorated tuition will be reimbursed minus the registration fee.

Switching or Dropping a Class: Semester and summer classes

If you need to DROP a class we will not be able to refund or credit your account except for the student’s documented serious medical issue.

If you need to SWITCH to another class, you will be charged a $25 fee in addition to any additional tuition due. Before SWITCHING a class, the following rules will apply:

1) Switching a class must be done by the end of the open enrollment period, Sept 30 for the Fall Semester and Feb 15 for the Spring Semester.

2) If switching leaves the class with less than 3 students GDC will not perform the switch.

3) A student may only switch the class once, no back and forth switching to work around another activity.

Drop or switch policy does not apply to trial or placement classes, promotions or any GDC generated switch or class closure.

Level Placement: The Directors and Instructors of Geary Dance Center want to ensure that each child is placed in a level appropriate to his or her capabilities at the time of enrollment and we reserve the right to place a new student in the level suitable to their abilities. We are sensitive to older students being placed with younger children, but it is important that they receive the correct training before proceeding to the next level. Older students may be asked to study the next level concurrently for a semester or two, and more than likely the older student will advance to the next level quite soon.

Advancement to the Next Level (Promotions): Promotions to the next level are made by the instructor because the student has surpassed the syllabus for that level and has demonstrated the maturity needed for the challenges of the next level. We do not promote students based on age, friends, carpooling or schedule convenience. For those students who age out of a beginning level class, there is a beginning level for the next age group. 99% of promotions take place at the end of the academic year (May/June), but occasionally, teachers may request a child be promoted at another time at the agreement of all involved; student, both teachers, GDC co-owners and parents/guardians.

Pointe Shoes: Students age 11+ who wish to go on pointe must attend at least 2 Ballet classes a week for at least 1 year prior as preparation. Those students must exhibit correct placement, technique and vocabulary before they are ready for pointe, generally level IV. During a class at the beginning of the Fall Semester, new pointe students  will meet at a dancewear store for a pointe shoe fitting with the Ballet instructor and the store’s sales staff. For the safety of their developing bodies, Pointe students must continue attending a minimum of 2 ballet classes a week to remain on pointe and give up pointe work if attendance is poor.

Observing Classes – Back to top

Visitors and Viewing Classes: New students and relatives from out of town are always welcome to observe a class, but is distracting for the instructors as well as the students to have a parade of visitors and parents watching every week. It is suggested that parents of students in FUNdamentals II & III  remain outside the classroom until the Visiting Day during the last class of each month. This allows the students to bond with the teacher and focus on the instruction. Viewers who are disrupting the class by talking with each other, answering phone calls or who have crying babies may be asked to leave the studio to wait in the lounge. Students in school-age classes should be comfortable taking a class on their own and we ask that parents remain out of the classroom so the dancers can focus on the teacher and the class syllabus.

In-Studio Showing for FUNdamentals Levels: FUNdamentals classes have an in-studio showing and party during their last class in May. Guests are encouraged to attend.  The dancer may wear anything s/he prefers, following the dancewear guidelines for FUNdamentals classes.  Filming and non-flash photography is encouraged!

Summer Classes: Parents are encouraged to wait until the last class of the 6-7 week summer session to observe the class. Parents of students new to GDC are encouraged to watch the first class as well.

Summer Camps: There is a short informal showing around 4:30pm on the Friday of each dance camp. There is a production of the story studied around 3-3:30pm on Friday for each Dance Me A Story camp.

Performances – Back to top

Performances: Dance is a performing art and being onstage is an important aspect of a dance education. Geary Dance Center offers a Student Showcase at the end of the academic year in May. Participating in a performance is not mandatory, however the student still benefits from learning and retaining the long sequence of combinations in a dance.

Children enrolled in FUNdamentals do not participate in onstage performances with a dance but are encouraged to demonstrate their skills with the “Dance Obstacle Course” that starts each performance. Participants for the Obstacle Course is limited to 12 dancers.

Performance Fee: Geary Dance Center charges a modest fee to performers that will help defray the costs of theater rental and tech staff.  Current fees are $30 for the Spring Student Showcase. Parents will be notified in advance of any fees charged and given the opportunity to opt out of performing without consequence. Any Sibling or Volume Discount is not reflected in the performance fee. Performance fees are nonrefundable except for students who withdraw from the performance due to a documented medical reason. FUNdamentals students DO NOT pay a performance fee to participate in the Obstacle Course.

Performance Costumes: Costumes for performances are mandatory for participating. Costumes vary in prices greatly, however every effort will be made to keep costs low. Parents will be charged only the wholesale cost of the costume plus any taxes and shipping and handling fees the factory charges, plus a $30 surcharge per costume. Sorry, Sibling or Volume Discounts do not apply to costumes.

Dress Code – Back to top

We expect ALL our students to come to class with appropriate form-fitting clothes suitable for dance and hair off face and neck. Dance shoes must not be worn outside to avoid tracking in glass, gravel, dirt and oils that damage the expensive dance floor covering. Separate dance shoes are required for Hip Hop classes. We request that adults in the FUNdamentals I/II class remove their street shoes before participating in class. Adults in these classes should wear comfortable clothing and socks or dance shoes. For safety reasons, we do not allow dancers to wear watches or fitbits during class, nor jewelry, except for small stud earrings. Geary Dance Center is not responsible for loss or damage to jewelry or other items.

  • FUNdamentals: We prefer Ballet shoes and dancewear for this level, but comfortable clothes and bare feet or grippy socks are fine. Hair must be off face and neck. We don’t allow wings, wands, crowns, capes, food, toys, jewelry or skirts longer than the knee for safety. No tight pants with zippers. Boys are welcome to wear tutus in their choice of color if they want.
  • Ballet: Girls solid-color leotard with or without short flowing dance skirt, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, wrap-around or other close-fitting sweater and legwarmers are allowed during colder months.    Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain T-shirt, leotard or undershirt, black or white ballet shoes and matching socks. Close-fitting sweatshirts are allowed during colder months.  Please DO NOT WEAR STRIPES.  Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain T-shirt, leotard or undershirt, black or white ballet shoes and matching socks. Boys over age 10 may be required to wear a dance belt under their dancewear.
  • Jazz, Funk & Musical Theater: NO LOOSE CLOTHES. Girls solid-color leotard or tighter shirt, jazz pants or shorts, black jazz shoes. Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain white T-shirt or undershirt, black jazz shoes and socks. Close-fitting sweatshirts are allowed during colder months.    Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain T-shirt, leotard or undershirt, black or white ballet shoes and matching socks. Boys over age 10 may be required to wear a dance belt under their dancewear.
  • Tap: NO LOOSE CLOTHES. Girls solid-color leotard or tighter shirt, jazz pants or exercise shorts, black tap shoes, flat-no high heels. Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain white t-shirt or undershirt, black tap shoes and socks. Close-fitting sweatshirts are allowed during colder months.
  • Hip Hop & K-Pop: NO LOOSE SHORTS. Girls solid-color leotard, jazz pants or exercise shorts, jeans, jazz shoes or dance sneakers.  Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain white t-shirt or undershirt, black jazz shoes or dance sneakers and socks. Close- fitting sweatshirts are allowed during colder months.  Separate dance shoes should be used for Hip Hop classes or street shoes soles should be cleaned before use.
  • Contemporary: Girls & Boys – comfortable athletic wear, footpads referred, but ballet shoes or bare feet are ok.  NO LOOSE SHORTS.    Boys dark solid-color leggings, tights or shorts, plain T-shirt, leotard or undershirt, black or white ballet shoes and matching socks.    Boys over age 10 may be required to wear a dance belt under their dancewear.

Emergencies and Conduct – Back to top

Emergency Protocols: In the event of a city-wide emergency such as a serious earthquake, all students will remain at Geary Dance Center until a parent or guardian arrives or alternative plans have been made with the Directors via text or cell phone. If GDC is suspected to be unsafe, students will be evacuated to the Park Presidio strip at Geary and 14th. In the event of an emergency at GDC, students will evacuate the building as needed to either the Park Presidio strip or through the patio to the open compound behind the buildings on the 5000 block until a parent or guardian arrives.

In the event of an injury, the Faculty and Directors of GDC will assess the situation then contact parent or guardian and emergency services as needed, not necessarily in that order. Dance Instructors usually have a great deal of experience with injuries of all sorts but they are not a replacement for having your injured child checked out by trained medical personnel. All injuries will be documented by the instructor and reported to the office regardless of severity.

Conduct and Behavior: The Geary Dance Center building is not conducive to children running around unattended. Students should be picked up promptly after their class and younger siblings should be encouraged to play quietly in the ground floor lounge area. Please keep an eye on your child(ren) at all times, GDC instructors and office staff cannot act as babysitters. All interaction between students, instructors, parents and staff should be respectful and not hurtful. It is our mission to help all students find a place for dance in their lives in a respectful, nurturing and tolerant environment. In the rare event that children are consistently disruptive or exhibit unsafe behavior on the premises, they will be asked to sit out the class and the parents or guardians will be called. To ensure a safe, supportive environment for all participants of the class, the Directors will work with the parents to assist the child to make better choices regarding behavior. Once those efforts are exhausted, GDC reserves the right to dismiss the child and issue a prorated tuition refund less 50%. Parents who have a complaint about an Instructor are asked to put their thoughts in writing so one or both of the Directors can address it as soon as possible without confusion.  Our Instructors are passionate about their art, their teaching and their students.  We have high expectations of all and look forward to working with our students as partners in creating dance artists, whether pre-professional or recreational.  Theft, bullying or teasing of any sort by or to other students, staff, faculty or parents will not be tolerated and will be addressed as soon as the issue comes to light.  Dancing should be a joyful experience for everyone.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Everyone Can Dance - come join us!
House of Guido ©2021